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The Gentoo is a Super8 camera current in development made specifically for the prosumer wanting 16mm like image quality with the cost benefit of 8mm where high reliability and easy to use operation is desired through an innovative in-frame pin registration system which allows registration in-frame of a standard 50ft Kodak cartridge without requiring you to form a Latham loop like in our Chatham S8 camera.

Gentoo is a perfect match for rental houses or a cinematographer working on higher end projects such as music videos, wedding projects and the like as it is a “slot in” cartridge camera where you only need to insert a re-useable spacer into the regular cartridge to obtain true pin registration.

Gentoo will be available for pre-sales in 2022.


Gentooは現在開発中のSuper8カメラで、16mmのような画質と8mmのコストメリットを求めるプロシューマー向けに作られています。革新的なフレームピンレジストレーションシステムにより、当社のChatham S8カメラのようにレイサムループ?を形成することなく、通常の50フィートコダックカートリッジのフレーム内登録を可能にし、高い信頼性と使いやすい操作性が望まれています。



3G-SDI 1080p30 output allowing critical focus
Frame rates 18/24/25fps with crystal synchronization – perfect for music videos.
Start/Stop LEMO trigger input
Side display with frame counter information
11VDC to 28VDC polarity agnostic input power port (LEMO)
Industry standard cine-battery support for hours of operation
Uses standard Kodak 50ft cartridges in combination with a re-usable spacer


